📄️ Supported Configurations
Device Configurations Supported by VIVA
📄️ Before Started
During the room setup stage in SteamVR, please make sure that the forward direction of SteamVR (the direction the arrow points to in the following image) aligns with the direction the motion capture actor is facing.
📄️ Wearing the Trackers
Before opening Dollars VIVA, it is recommended that you turn on the Trackers you are going to wear and ensure that each Tracker is being stably tracked on the SteamVR panel.
📄️ Get Started
Before starting motion capture, it is necessary to perform a calibration.
📄️ Common Calibration Issues
Here are some common calibration issues and their solutions.
📄️ Using an HMD for Motion Capture
You can also use an HMD for motion capture.
📄️ Room Setup Using Only VIVE Tracker
In standard SteamVR room setup, both a headset and controllers are typically required. If the headset is unavailable, it can be simulated by modifying configuration files. However, if controllers are also absent, room setup cannot be completed as expected. In such cases, SteamVR defaults to using a base station as the origin of the tracking space, which can lead to significant limitations during use.
📄️ Record BVH Files
You can record BVH files by pressing the button in the top left corner.
📄️ FAQ
Finger Tracking Supports